
Music Television in 1960's Baltimore meant just one name ...

Buddy Deane

While Dick Clark gained national attention from Philadelphia with "American Bandstand," Buddy Deane was doing the same thing in Baltimore as that city's TV disc jockey. He was immortalized as the Corey Collins character in the John Waters movie, "Hairspray," and is still remembered as the after school escape for Baltimore teens.

  1. Buddy Deane and the Committee ("On Strike?") doing "The Madison" on a parking lot.
  2. Buddy Deane in a publicity photo, complete with signature
  3. Merry Christmas. Thanks to John Sankonis (sitting, 3rd from left) for this Christmas card from1960, featuring a picture of Buddy & the Committee; complete with signatures below of everyone on the show at that time. The card folded between the picture and signatures, was addressed on the other side and sent out to fans of the show. Thanks to John for this great piece of Baltimore TV history.


Buddy Deane died on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 near his home in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, from complications of a stroke a few days earlier. He has been immortalized in the character of Corny Collins, dance party empressario of the John Waters movie, and Tony Award winning musical, "Hairspray."

An Early Photo

New York Times Obituary

Friends in Baltimore meet in "Salute."

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