
Our web server stores log files to record visits to the website in order to generate website visitor statistics. This is common to most websites. The information is used to analyze the performance of the website in attracting and maintaining visitors. None of this information is displayed publicly.

The visitor data collected includes some of all of the following:
• IP address - this makes it possible to determine which ISP was used to connect to the website, and thereby show the country of origin.
• Browser Type - this information can be blocked by your browser settings.
• Referring Page - this information can be blocked by your browser settings.
• Time and duration of your visit.
• Which pages you visited.

Only the webmaster of this website normally views this information. Server administrators have access to the information but are unlikely to view it. The information should be assumed to remain permanently on the server.

We do not automatically collect other information about you from this website. We do not employ marketing or advertising that makes use of cookies. If you send us an email or complete a contact request form, your information will be used for our follow up of your request. Your email address may be added to our email list which is used for informational purposes. If you don't want to get an occasional email from us, just tell us and we'll delete your address.

We do not store site visitor's e-mail addresses or other information on our server, and visitor information is never sold, shared or otherwise distributed in any way, to anyone.


All material on this website, including the "Jam" logos, are copyright Blue Turtle Art and Don Lehnhoff,, and individual contributors except as noted.

Photos may be downloaded for personal use without permission.
Any commercial use, and all other uses, require permission from

Original logo drum art by Bill Whitelock

Header photo ©

©2001-2013, Blue Turtle Art., & Individual Contributors.

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